Love, Joy, Peace...

We are a church where you are welcome and needed. By 2029 we are working with God to be a vibrant, faithful, multi-generational church with a passionate hunger for God. We will be a unified body of believers who are being transformed into whole-of-life disciples, are unashamed in our beliefs and equipped to fulfill our calling, using our unique gifts to serve. We will be known across Burleigh and have a Kingdom presence and impact in targeted corners of our community, where people will be overwhelmed by the love of Jesus, drawn to an irresistible hope and transformed by the Gospel. We see our place on the hill in the centre of Burleigh fit to serve our local needs and a gathering place where people are brought from far and wide, and we see a church that is multiplying across the region with a local and wider impact for His glory.


If you'd like to know more, meet with someone about church and/or faith, or get involved, please don't hesitate to contact us on